Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Week 3 RSS Reflections

  1. What did you learn? RSS was completely new to me. I learned how to subscribe to blogs and I'm still learning how to track them via RSS. I can see, though, that it's much easier than the alternative which would be checking in with the individual blogs on a regular basis.
  2. How will you use what you have learned? I will definitely use RSS to track some blogs that will help me better keep up with current events, and I like having the ability to quickly browse through some of the tech blogs to get new ideas.
  3. How did you feel about this tool? This tool was easy to use, and I'm glad that I was introduced to it.
  4. What do you not want to forget about this tool? I don't know... I just have to not forget to use it, I guess.
  5. How can this be used in the classroom or in your educational role? Like I said, I think this will help me to keep up with blogs that can help me in my teaching. I'm not sure that I would use the tool itself in my teaching, but as a support for me.
  6. Should you use this in the classroom or your educational role? (see above)
  7. What questions do you still have about this tool? I don't have any questions yet. I'm sure some will come up as I get more familiar with the tool.

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