Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Week 3 RSS Reflections

  1. What did you learn? RSS was completely new to me. I learned how to subscribe to blogs and I'm still learning how to track them via RSS. I can see, though, that it's much easier than the alternative which would be checking in with the individual blogs on a regular basis.
  2. How will you use what you have learned? I will definitely use RSS to track some blogs that will help me better keep up with current events, and I like having the ability to quickly browse through some of the tech blogs to get new ideas.
  3. How did you feel about this tool? This tool was easy to use, and I'm glad that I was introduced to it.
  4. What do you not want to forget about this tool? I don't know... I just have to not forget to use it, I guess.
  5. How can this be used in the classroom or in your educational role? Like I said, I think this will help me to keep up with blogs that can help me in my teaching. I'm not sure that I would use the tool itself in my teaching, but as a support for me.
  6. Should you use this in the classroom or your educational role? (see above)
  7. What questions do you still have about this tool? I don't have any questions yet. I'm sure some will come up as I get more familiar with the tool.

Monday, August 3, 2009

RSS Choices

a. I chose the Google RSS reader. It seemed easy and straightforward and as a regular google and gmail user, I'm familiar with (and happy with) the setup of their tools.
b. I subscribed to http://ilearntechnology.com, http://austintx.newstwit.me/, and http://worldblog.msnbc.msn.com.
c. I was looking for some different types of blogs to track. I have a hard time keeping track of news and events that I can use as resources in my classroom, so I chose two news feeds -- one local and the other worldwide. I also chose a technology site to help keep track of tech tips that I can use in my classroom. I also noticed that this site has great links to other resources.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Reflection on blogging

In my first adventure in blogging, I learned that it really is pretty easy to set up. Once you play with it a little bit, the tools are user-friendly and easy to figure out on your own. I'm not yet sure how I would use this in my classroom, but I think that it could be a great tool for communicating with colleagues -- within the school, within the district, and elsewhere -- in order to bounce ideas around and share lessons and links. The only questions I have right now are: do I have enough time to keep up with this and/or is it worth that amount of time and effort (little though it may be) and how can I make the page prettier? I played with the color schemes and picked a layout I thought I liked, but I'm still not happy with its appearance.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Some other blogs to explore

Here are a couple of other blogs I've found to be interesting and possibly helpful.
1. http://www.blogcatalog.com/blog/ilearn-technology This is a blog with a long history that includes numerous technology resources with ideas about how to use them in a classroom setting. It seems that a lot of the posts I looked at were more geared toward elementary school, but there were some neat tools for middle and high school, too.

2. http://www.blogcatalog.com/blog/foreign-language-fun This one is all about teaching foreign languages. Some of the posts are more informative than others, but there are definitely some good links here.

A little bit about me

My name is Andrea Larson, and I'm a Spanish teacher at McNeil High School in Austin Texas. I've been teaching at McNeil for 7 years and for 9 years in all. An interesting tid bit -- I actually graduated from McNeil as well.

On the homefront, I've been married to my husband (also a McNeil graduate) for 8 years, and we have one 5 year old son who will start Kindergarten at Live Oak in a few weeks.

At this point, my blog is not for a specific purpose. I'm still just trying out the technology to see what's available and what might be the most useful for me. For now, I would say that I'm hoping to find some other blogs, and other sites in general, that will help me to better incorporate technology into my everyday teaching. I'm also hoping to get some comments and suggestions from others on how to address some of my specific issues with technology.